Friday, January 15, 2010

Things I Have Learnt

I have learnt how to cook for one – Not a skill I wanted to learn… but one I’m proud of none the less. Its best to under shop and go more frequently the you waste less. I find it impossible to cook just one serve for dinner so I am now the master of the slow cooker casserole and any other meal which can be reheated.

I have learnt how to cook having only one good quality fry pan and one large saucepan and no microwave.

I have learnt how to carry everything from the car up to the apartment in pretty much one go.

I have learnt that organic fruit & vegetables delivered to your door costs that same as buying non-organic F&V.

I have learnt that the parks and water fronts in and around Sydney are so pretty!

I have learnt how to fight for a car space in the only ikea in Sydney.

I have learnt how to get across the harbour bridge in the correct lane without exiting too early.

I have learnt how to drive from Sydney to Brisbane and where all the best places for breaks are.

I have learnt that if you do the above drive more than three times in a year it gets boring, fast.

I have learnt that lots of people in Bondi who are stylish and trendy all look the same.

I have learnt that the suburb of Leichardt really is little Italy, there is even a bilingual school on Norton Street.

I have learnt that I live in a high risk area for theft and not to leave anything valuable in the car.

I have learnt that Sydney’s laws for dogs in parks are way better than Brisbanes.

I have learnt that it is better to have a medium or large dog in an apartment rather than a small one. Medium dogs are they best they don’t bark and they get you out of the house twice a day or more.

I have learnt that Marty and I are really lucky when it comes to Landlords, she lets us have a dog

I have learnt that Marty & I are really lucky in where we have landed, walking distance to Glebe, Annandale, Newtown, Sydney Uni, Gym, Physio etc

I have learnt that the inner-west is more chilled than the eastern suburbs.

I have learnt how to unclog the loo and that you cant put paper towel in there.

I have learnt how to make the fridge work better.

I have learnt that Sydney drivers tailgate way more than Brisbane drivers but that Sydney drivers are better at keeping in the left lane.

I have learnt that there are great op-shops in Sydney!

I have learnt how to drive to Jenny & Phil’s house in Blaxland.

I have learnt that I hate living by myself but that I can do it.

I have learnt that dogs are the BEST at keeping secrets.

I have learnt that I love Sydney and I can’t wait for Marty to come home and share it with me.

I have learnt that I love and miss my Brisbane friends and family.

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