Tuesday, January 12, 2010



Let me just start by saying that I'm not promising much with this blog. I am prone to starting this sort of thing and then just letting it drift... In fact I think I already have a blog floating somewhere in cyberspace. But what the heck you’re not really down with it unless you blog and I really do miss everyone in (QLD) and everywhere else, and I am really bad at keeping in touch. So let this me a journal, letter, essay or narrative where I will share my experiences and thoughts on being newly transplanted in Sydney,NSW.

Obviously some of the things that are important/interesting to me will be boring/irrelevant to you. So if there is something more important/interesting/relevant for me to write about don't hesitate to suggest the topic. So here goes...

p.s. yes there are swans in Sydney... maybe that's why the football team is the 'Sydney swans'... the swan that I met wasn't that friendly but I count him as a new friend in Sydney anyway...

p.p.s the other picture is from a daily walk with, Cera the dog, to the end of Sydney Harbour in Federal Park. About 20-30min from our apartment, off-leash about 80% of the way.

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