Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cera Speaks

Hi everyone,
Its been a while since I spoke to you about being a young pup in the big city. We recently moved house I think my people told you. 

The people realized that they too like lying in the grass and sniffing for snails.

Thats the new dining room the owners are so crazy about... My new friend Harry tried to get on the table but he's only 6mths old so I forgave him. 

Thats the new couch and my new view. From the street its good because you can only see my ears.
Our new house is fantastic because I got a new couch to lay on. I think my people got it for free from some where down the street. Thats one of the holes I dug. Not a bad size. I put a delicious bone in there. They put it on the front sun room place and I sit there and make sure all the other cats and dogs in the street are behaving themselves. There is one dog who I think is great but there is another very annoying Pomeranian who goes out without his people and just wees everywhere. Not so nice really. My favourite cat is this shy one.My least favourite is this black and white one with a bell that goes in ceiling. I think there is also a creature in there. And the silly magpies are always spying on me.

My people get disappointed in me when I dig holes so they have given me extra treats and toys to distract me. I try not to dig but sometimes the urge is too strong. They also put this blue thing with water in it in my yard. Im not sure what im supposed to do with it but sometimes my girl (the one that smells the best) plays with me there. She thinks I think I can catch the water spray but I just do it because it makes her laugh. 

There is also a new park that I go to chase the ball. I walk my people there pretty much everyday. It's right near my doctors and on the way we go past this strange place that has frozen people in the front yard. I stop and check them out every time, need to know if they've moved. 

Anyway got to go, I think I heard my least favourite cat out the front. Oh yeah I still like swimming, Im pretty much the best dog at the park now.

Grrrr... Woof!

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