Sunday, May 2, 2010


Everyday, I feel myself becoming more and more attached to Sydney. I'm putting down roots and they're taking hold. One thing I really love about Sydney is the way that even after more than six months of living here and becoming quite used to things you can discover a whole new aspect of the city. The other day by chance I had a dental appointment in Balmain. I have been to Balmain before but not right into the suburb - just the tip.

I realised while I was sitting on the bus going down Darling street that I was being visited by a familiar but unexpected feeling.
That feeling was the awe, excitement and curiosity that I tend to feel when I'm traveling (usually overseas). I'm not quite sure exactly what about Balmain it was that brought this on. But I liked it. Maybe it was the wide open streets, the old houses (but different; bigger more character than the other parts of syd), the mixture of interesting restaurants, boutiques, bookshops, grocers and family's, as well as the coastal feel. Balmain is a sort of peninsula that pokes into Sydney harbour.

The main street is hilly and random just like a coastal road that winds its way down to the sea. And the people were interesting too; a Mercedes parked next to someones shopping trolley house.
I was so excited about finding this little pocket of Sydney I called Marty and said "I know where we should move next!". Now I just need a break from uni and other business to begin the culinary exploration! Most of all I'm so happy to have had a half-day holiday in my own city! Funny how travel can happen to you when you least expect it. Usually its all about packing a suitcase and saving dollars - which I do love. But now I'm curious as to what other adventures lie a bus ride away!

The first photo is a picture of me in New York but that's kind of how I felt in balmain.
The other photo is of Cera the Dog watching the movie Underdog.

From the desk of Cera the Dog:
I didn't get to go to Balmain because unlike puny human my teeth stay healthy without much help.

I did recently discover a new spot in the canal where I can sneak under the fence to chase the pidgeons and ibis and to have a bath in the creek. Its not that good but I don't mind it just after the rain. I do like the way it makes my humans wave and yell my name though.

recently I met a cute baby dog, it was fun rolling in the dust with her. It made me realise I'm pretty grown up now and as a result I have decided to increase the percentage of the day spent sleeping to about 60%.

Well woof woof I'm off for a walk!